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Вы здесь » Ремонт ноутбука своими руками. » HP, Sony » HP COMPAQ CQ61 white screen

HP COMPAQ CQ61 white screen

Сообщений 1 страница 7 из 7



Got hp compaq cq 61 - platform : DAOOP6MB6DO Rev : D, lap powers up with white display screen.

Tried on external monitor, always no display.

Debug code : 89 --Bios type:  INSYDE_H2O

1*- Could it be a bios issue  or GPU fail ?

Heated GPU for test purpose, always white screen.

Thank you for any suggestion.

Отредактировано mohkamtun (23.05.2015 22:19:28)



Еще не выучил русский язык?


Отредактировано Сеган (24.05.2015 00:10:47)



Сеган написал(а):

Not yet learned Russian?

Edited Segan (Today 22:10:47)

Unfortunately not yet.  Would like first to learn technical terms in russian language to be able to post and reply to posts. Didn't find yet any site on the web for this purpose.

+3V ok

The problem is that there's no display neither on lap-screen nor on external monitor !



У  меня было такое из-за дисплея.
и один раз из-за питания дисплея на плате.

- Подключи для проверки 100% рабочий дисплей



Сеган написал(а):

I was so because of the display.
and once because the display power board.

- Connect to check 100% working display

I already tried with an LCD screen I use for test, always white screen.



Try replace LCD Video Screen Cable

Отредактировано Сеган (24.05.2015 21:03:46)



Сеган написал(а):

Try replace LCD Video Screen Cable

Edited Segan (Today 19:03:46)

Well, that's what I'm thinking to do tomorrow, as cable is not available now, though  cable continuity was tested ok pin by pin.
Also, customer confirmed having used vga port 2 months ago, so it should display at least on external monitor. We will see tomorrow.

Add :
I tried another LCD cable, same problem.
Then tried another LCD, always white display. So problem is neither cable nor LCD.!

Отредактировано mohkamtun (26.05.2015 15:59:25)


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